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Mark your calendars and make plans to grow and connect in your marriage.

Students in 6th-12th grade, join us for food, fun, games, a message, and time with friends.

Let's start the year refreshing our souls and aligning ourselves with God's will. For service times and prayer guide visit the Seacoast app.

Let's pray and prepare our hearts for the Christmas season through our online Advent devotional.

Imagine what God can do with our resources when we are fully committed to the work of building his kingdom.

This family friendly event will be full of candy, food, and prizes!

Prospective students and parents have a chance to meet our current students and staff, sit in on a student led chapel, tour the campus, hear from a student panel, and learn about practicum tracks.

Baptism is an important moment in every Believer’s faith journey. It is the public declaration of a person’s commitment to Jesus Christ. It also gives us a chance to celebrate with you!

Child dedication offers parents the opportunity to publicly commit to leading their children into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Come away with us for a weekend of adventure, laughter, rest, and friendship!

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