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As we continue to care for our Seacoast Asheville family who have been devastated by Hurricane Helene, we are asking volunteers to serve alongside our partners.

Let’s do lunch! Make new friends and enjoy time with the ones we already have!

Come one, come all and let's come together as a church family for a night of worship and prayer. Middle and high school students will join us in the Worship Center.

Invite your friends and family for a night of free food, games, two HUGE bounce houses, and fun! Also, the Wade Hampton Fire Department is joining us with one of their engines!

Join us as we celebrate and remember all that God has done in the life of the Seacoast Greenville Campus. We will have special guests, special worship songs, and a cook out on the lawn!

Join us for a night of extended worship and to celebrate all God has done through Seacoast Church.

Child dedication offers parents the opportunity to publicly commit to leading their children into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Let's come together as a church family for a night of worship and prayer. Middle and high school students will join us in the Worship Center.

Bring a friend and hang out with other students and leaders for PIZZA and GAMES! Bring your favorite game or play one someone else brings.

Join us at Spill the Beans Downtown Greenville for a fun get-together to get to know some other students and leaders before the summer is over.

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