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Let's pray and prepare our hearts for the Christmas season through our online Advent devotional.

Imagine what God can do with our resources when we are fully committed to the work of building his kingdom.

Prospective students and parents have a chance to meet our current students and staff, sit in on a student led chapel, tour the campus, hear from a student panel, and learn about practicum tracks.

Let's celebrate all that God is doing through our church and hear the vision for the future. We would be honored to have you join us for an inspirational evening with John Maxwell.

This fun day of golf, fellowship, and giving generates funds to provide Thanksgiving meals for people in need.

Freedom Course is a 10-week journey designed to equip you to live a victorious and abundant life Christ came to give you.

Come away with us for a weekend of adventure, laughter, rest, and friendship!

We'll have lots of fun hanging out with friends, an amazing night of worship, and we'll hear an impactful, relevant message. 

The Fuel Men's Conference is a two-day event designed for you to grow and connect as a man with other men in community.

On August 22nd, we are launching The Seacoast Podcast. It will feature staff, Seacoasters, friends of the house and special guests, as we have conversations that you won’t hear on a Sunday.

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