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Join us for our Lent and Holy Week Devotional!

Take time to get away and connect with God in fellowship with other men.

Let's get together for lunch and learn about serving in Kidscoast!

We want to provide a safe space for students to hang out after school! We will offer snacks, video games, study space, ping pong, basketball, and more.

Bring your appetite and a desire to get connected with other men.

Visit and meet needs for our friends in the local community.

This two-day event is designed for you and your spouse to grow and connect with one another and other couples in community.

Mark your calendars and make plans to grow and connect in your marriage.

Join us for lunch with our staff as you get a behind the scenes look at the Manning Campus.

Baptism is an important moment in every Believer’s faith journey. It is the public declaration of a person’s commitment to Jesus Christ. It also gives us a chance to celebrate with you!

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