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Celebrate all God did in the lives of our students this summer and at Summer Camp through worship and student baptisms.

The men of the Seacoast North Charleston Campus are heading to the Riverdogs game!

Get together for lunch and community.

We are going to ask God to do BIG things this year and one way to do this is through 21 Sundays of Prayer.

Join the North Charleston Campus staff and our families for a time of fun Olympic-style competition for the whole family!

Join Biblical Culturalist, Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus' world, stepping into the footsteps of the women who came face to face with the living God.

Griefshare is a support group for people grieving the death of someone close. This virtual option allows you to join from anywhere.

Hear about how the Custom team will make the transition as smooth as possible for your student, and make their experience the best it can be!

Celebrate the end of the school year with games, fun, and community at the beach.

From Sisterhood Night Out to family adventures, there are so many opportunities for you to stay connected this summer!

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