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Coming together for prayer and worship, while we also share testimonies of what God is doing in our lives.

Bring your sons and daughters for a wholesome, fun, and festive afternoon while we enjoy snacks and the Christmas movies, The Chronicals of Narnia and Polar Express

Hang with the guys, and watch an inspiring movie together.

Spend the morning with the guys over breakfast!

Spend time with other men over a steak dinner, disc golf, golf simulator, kayaking, and more!

The men of the Seacoast North Charleston Campus are heading to the Riverdogs game!

The men of the Seacoast Conway Campus will gather for a great time of fellowship, food, and an inspirational message.

Take time to get away and connect with God in fellowship with other men.

Take time to unplug, get away, and connect with God.

Spend the morning with the guys over breakfast!

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