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This group provides a safe place for women to share their experiences with sexual betrayal within their marriage, and to find support, connection, and encouragement from women who truly understand the journey of finding hope and healing beyond betrayal.

Kick off the semester with an evening of extended worship and a powerful message from Jenna Surratt. You'll learn about all the exciting opportunities to get connected, including the spring semester of Sisterhood Mornings/Evenings, the Sisterhood Retreat, and Chosen! 

Kick off the semester with a morning of extended worship and a powerful message from Jenna Surratt. You'll learn about all the exciting opportunities to get connected, including the spring semester of Sisterhood Mornings/Evenings, the Sisterhood Retreat, and Chosen! 

During 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, several Sisterhood Prayer groups are available to surround each other with support and encouragement through prayer.

Join us for a night of community and extended prayer and worship.

As Seacoast starts the year off with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, Sisterhood will dig into the power of prayer! Join us as we connect with our community of amazing women through this study on prayer. Committing 2024 over to God and leaning in to all he has for us in the New Year!

Are you looking for friendships, connection and community? We have an event planned just for you! All ladies are invited to brunch. Mark your calendars and come prepared to relax, have fun, and enjoy good conversations. 

Join us for a fun afternoon with an ornament exchange, while enjoying appetizers, hot cocoa, and wassail.

Support local missions as we make oysters shell mangers and a Christmas star.

Help provide a Christmas meal to show our neighbors how special they are by providing a side dish, main course, or other items to provide a complete holiday meal.

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