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Are you looking for friendships, connection and community? We have an event planned just for you! All ladies are invited to brunch. Mark your calendars and come prepared to relax, have fun, and enjoy good conversations. 

Join us for a fun afternoon with an ornament exchange, while enjoying appetizers, hot cocoa, and wassail.

Support local missions as we make oysters shell mangers and a Christmas star.

Help provide a Christmas meal to show our neighbors how special they are by providing a side dish, main course, or other items to provide a complete holiday meal.

This festive event will bless foster children with toys and activities to celebrate the season!

Indulge in a delightful experience at our upcoming Sisterhood Cake Decorating Class.

Bring your favorite Christmas cookies to share and trade as we gather for a night of acoustic worship, an encouraging word and connection with other women in our community.

Explore your creativity and create a beautiful coastal-themed watercolor painting with local watercolor artist, Kellie Smith.

Please join us for a mental health presentation on anxiety, including tools in not only how to cope, but also ways to harness it for good.

Bring a chair and/or outdoor blanket and enjoy a good time with a great view of the Lake of Cane Bay at The Coves. 

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