Seacoast Seniors celebrate their faith in Christ through fellowship and service. Together we create connection on our spiritual journey, encourage purpose-driven lives, provide access to information and services, and celebrate our lives and legacies.
What's Happening
At The Café – Meet Seacoast Seniors
First Tuesday of the month // 11:00am–12:00pm // Seacoast Café
Grab a cup of coffee and join us for a monthly fellowship. Get to know new friends and catch up with old friends. For more information contact Debbie O’Kelly.
“Senior Safety First” Join us as Captain Don Wollenbecker of the Mount Pleasant Fire Department shares with us how our First Responders are there for us on a daily basis when there is a need and preparing us ahead of time in hopes of preventing an emergency call.
“Celebrating Our Veterans” Guest speaker, Major General James E. Livingston, a Medal of Honor, U.S. Marine Corp, Ret. recipient will share about his service in Vietnam and his involvement in Mount Pleasant at the Medal of Honor Museum inside the USS Yorktown.
TUESDAYS // VIRTUAL & In-Person (Won By ONE Room) // 10:00–11:00AM
Pastor Hubert Surratt will lead us through various Scriptures and books of the Bible. Discover how God’s Word applies to your life and enjoy fellowship. For more information, contact Debbie O'Kelly.
This class helps improve agility, balance, and coordination for daily living by increasing muscular strength and range of motion. Exercise includes the use of a chair and light weights.
Wednesdays // 10:00–11:30AM // Won By One Room OR Virtual
Have you ever thought about writing the good things God has done in your life? If so, this encouraging, supportive group is for you. Join Chuck Ross and Cherie Ricks as we use legacy themes to help write the stories of our lives.
The Chosen TV series allows us to see Jesus through the eyes of those who knew him. Join Marie and Joe Keller for a Bible study based on the series. Following the video, there will be a time for discussion utilizing scriptures that influenced each episode
None of us were meant to go through life alone. Small groups are one of the best ways that people connect and grow in their faith. When we make personal connections with others, even a big church can feel small.