College & 20s
Mondays // 8:00 pm
Join us for a little basketball and Jesus. You don’t have to be a D1 athlete or Bible scholar to play.
More InformationOne Parent Ministry
We believe God has an incredible plan for single parents, and we want to help them through their adversities and challenges. We provide tools, support, and a space where single moms and single dads are welcomed, encouraged, and empowered.
More InformationAdopt-A-Block
2nd Saturdays
The mission of North Charleston Adopt-A-Block is to meet people in their pain and build relationships that empower stability and growth. All you need is the ability to walk door-to-door and a heart for Jesus!
More InformationSurrendering the Secret
Thursdays // 7:30 PM
This group helps support women who have experienced abortion to experience healing. We meet in a home in Hanahan. All inquiries are kept confidential!
Call Jill Forbes: 843-697-6060Sisterhood
2nd Wednesdays // 6:00 PM
We believe that God created us to be in relationship with him and others, and community is vital for our overall physical, spiritual, and emotional health. Join other women for Sisterhood where we share life and laughter through fun activities and grow in our faith by listening to a word.
More InformationSisterhood Serves
Sisterhood Serves is passionate about making a difference in our community while finding and growing our relationship with God and each other.
Get ConnectedWomen's Spiritual Mentoring
Spiritual mentoring is a relationship between the Holy Spirit, mentee, and mentor. Through this relationship, the mentee seeks to discover what God is already doing in her life, and to grow in friendship with God, identity in God, and awareness of God’s leading.
Get ConnectedSisterhood Wednesday Workout
Connect with other women while strengthening your physical health.
More InformationSisterhood Leadership
Are you interested in being part of our Sisterhood Leadership team?
Get ConnectedGet ConnectedMorning Prayer
Sundays // 8:00 AM
Join us before the Sunday worship service as we gather together in prayer.
More InformationMen's Fireside Group
Third Sunday // Dream Center behind white house
Gather by the fire and hang out with other men.
More Information