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Bounce houses, trunks of treats, and tons of fun! We're partnering with Berkley Preparatory Academy for Trunk or Treat and a Chili Cook off!

Are you already a part of the worship or production team? Interested in joining the worship or production team? Join us for a Worship Vision Night to learn more.

Bring a chair and/or outdoor blanket and enjoy a good time with a great view of the Lake of Cane Bay at The Coves. 

Leader Training will equip you and set expectations for an amazing fall semester as we grow in our faith and in community. 

Baptism is an important moment in every Believer’s faith journey. It is the public declaration of a person’s commitment to Jesus Christ. It also gives us a chance to celebrate with you!

Experience powerful moments of worship, discipleship-based conversations, and meaningful activities that will help you connect with others.

Griefshare is a support group for people grieving the death of someone close. This virtual option allows you to join from anywhere.

Join us for our Lent and Holy Week Devotional!

This two-day event is designed for you and your spouse to grow and connect with one another and other couples in community.

Let's start the year refreshing our souls and aligning ourselves with God's will. For service times and prayer guide visit the Seacoast app.

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