Select a campus to begin

Grab a friend, family member, or your small group and go shopping for a diaper bag and the self-care items for new moms.

Establish firm roots in the Truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss with a small group.

Take time to get away and connect with God in fellowship with other men.

As we step into 2024 let’s gather as a community to learn about prayer and step into a season of going to God first with all that we have and need.

Spend the morning with the guys over breakfast!

The Sisterhood and Men's Ministry will be helping Hope to Home with pickups, deliveries, and organizing the warehouse.

Celebrate all God has done in the last 10 years of the IF Gathering! Join Sisterhood for community, powerful worship, and simulcast speakers such as Christine Caine, Jennie Allen, David Platt, and more.

This two-day event is designed for you and your spouse to grow and connect with one another and other couples in community.

This fun day of golf, fellowship, and giving generates funds to provide Thanksgiving meals for people in need.

Take time to unplug, get away, and connect with God.

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