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We'll have lots of fun hanging out with friends, an amazing night of worship, and we'll hear an impactful, relevant conversation on relationships from panels designed specifically for high school and middle school audiences.

We love One Night, we love our students, and we love Summer! We'll bring all 3 of these together into 1 space as we host one of our biggest worship nights of the year!

Custom Tuesday night will be full of community as we hang out, with people who love God in a safe environment.

We're rediscovering the God who wastes nothing, so let’s bring him everything we have, the good and the bad, and watch him work. Between worship, House Wars, small groups, free time activities, and awesome late nights, it will be the best week of your summer!

We don't want the party to stop on Sunday, so we are gathering at the Water Park in North Charleston for a Monday fun day!

Hang out with your friends, during an amazing night of worship! We'll also hear an impactful, relevant message prepared for our youth and youth leaders.

Learn from our guest speaker and discussion time about how to navigate mental health during the back to school season.

We'll have lots of fun hanging out with our friends, an amazing night of worship, and we will hear an impactful, relevant message prepared for our youth and youth leaders. 

We'll have lots of fun hanging out with our friends, an amazing night of worship, and we will hear an impactful, relevant message prepared for our youth and youth leaders. 

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